Spacemaster 80 Cucumber Seeds - Non-GMO - Produces Large Numbers of flavorful, Full-Sized Slicing Cucumbers Perfect for The Small Garden. - Country Creek LLC
- This variety is ideal for smaller gardens.
- Produces large numbers of flavorful, full-sized slicing cucumbers.
- Perfect for snacking, salads, and sandwiches, and even for pickling when harvested small.
- Adapted to a wide range of conditions and ideal for growing in containers or the ground.
- Free Shipping! Every product is packaged in air-tight, resealable bags!
Product description
The Spacemaster 80 Cucumber is a compact plant that produces excellent t yields of dark green 6 to 8 inch blocky fruits on dwarf 36 inch, hardy vines. If you've had trouble growing cukes in your climate, or if you don't have the space to invest in a sprawling vine, Spacemaster 80 is the solution! The fruit is crisp and tasty, with a satisfying bite just right in a slicer. Spacemaster 80 performs very well in a wide range of climates. Direct-sow seeds in a sunny spot after all danger of frost is past, or start indoors and transplant when the first true leaf appears. Cucumbers can be allowed to grow on the ground, but for longer, straighter fruit and to save garden space, grow them in a cage or on a trellis, allowing 1 foot between plants. Keep them well-watered, and keep the fruits picked promptly.