Bronze Mignonette Lettuce Butterhead Seeds - Non-GMO - A Heat-Tolerant and Slow to Bolt butterhead Lettuce Variety That has Been Around for Over 100 Years. - Country Creek LLC
- A heat tolerant variety, perfect for containers and home gardens,
- Reliably produces gorgeous, tasty, bronze-tinted leaves.
- Adds color and sweet flavor to salads and garnishes.
- Produces high yields even in high heat.
- Free Shipping! Every product is packaged in air-tight, resealable bags!
Product description
Bronze Mignonette is an heirloom lettuce that is very cold hardy. It is a heat-tolerant and slow to bolt butterhead lettuce variety that has been around for over 100 years. It is one of the best loose-leaf varieties for home gardens that reliably produces gorgeous, bronze-tinted, wavy leaves with a nice, sweet flavor. This variety adds plenty of color and sweet flavor to salads and garnishes. Like other lettuce varieties, it grows well in containers as well as the garden and is ideal for both spring and fall gardens. Baby leaves can be harvested after 25 days. Full heads are ready for harvest after 60 days, and can be cut at the base leaving 1” of stem for regrowth. These crisp and crumpled leaves are great for salad greens and in a fresh sandwich.