Country Creek LLC
Alfalfa Microgreen Seeds
Description, Nutritional Value, How to Serve
Alfalfa is typically consumed by humans as an herbal supplement or in the form of alfalfa sprouts. They are typically high in vitamin K and also contain many other nutrients, including vitamin C, copper, manganese and folate.
For example, 1 cup (33 grams) of alfalfa sprouts contains a mere 8 calories.
Alfalfa also has a high content of bioactive plant compounds. They include saponins, coumarins, flavonoids, phytosterols, phytoestrogens and alkaloids. Alfalfa supplements can be used in powdered form, taken as a tablet or used to make tea.
Because so few human studies have been done on alfalfa seeds, leaves or extract, it’s hard to recommend a safe or effective dose.
Herbal supplements are also notorious for not containing what is listed on the label, so be sure to do your research.
People also take it for its high content of antioxidants, vitamins C and K, copper, folate and magnesium. Alfalfa is also extremely low in calories. That being said, some people may need to avoid alfalfa, including pregnant women, people taking blood thinning medications or individuals with an autoimmune disorder.
Another way to add alfalfa to your diet is by eating it as sprouts, we have these available in a variety of sizes (shown to the left). Alfalfa sprouts can be added to your diet in many ways, such as in a sandwich or mixed into a salad. Alfalfa has been shown to help lower cholesterol, and may also have benefits for blood sugar control and relieving symptoms of menopause.
Even though alfalfa needs to be studied a lot more, it does show a lot of promise.
Jar Sprouting Method
Here’s how to sprout these at home:
* Add 2 tablespoons of alfalfa seeds to a bowl, jar or sprouter and cover them with 2–3 times the amount of cool water.
* Let them soak overnight or about 8–12 hours.
* Drain and rinse the sprouts well with cool water. Drain them again, removing as much water as possible.
* Store the sprouts out of direct sunlight and at room temperature for 3 days. Rinse and drain them thoroughly every 8–12 hours.
* On day 4, relocate the sprouts to an area with indirect sunlight to allow for photosynthesis. Continue to rinse and drain them well every 8–12 hours.
* On day 5 or 6, your sprouts are ready to eat.

Tray Planting with soil Method
Easily grown and propagated, alfalfa adapts well to nearly any garden, tolerating a wide range of growing conditions. It makes a good drought-resistant plant too, as it doesn’t like wet feet. In fact, too much moisture can lead to mold growth. When growing alfalfa, choose an area with plenty of full sun. Also look for a well-draining area with a soil pH level between 6.8 and 7.5.
Prior to planting, you should clean the area, work the soil, and remove any debris.
Those living in cooler climates can plant alfalfa in spring while milder regions should opt for fall planting. Since alfalfa roots quickly, it doesn’t require deep planting—only about a half inch deep. Merely sprinkle the seeds evenly onto the soil and cover lightly with dirt. Use about ¼ pound of seeds per 25 square feet and space rows about 18-24 inches.
You should begin to see sprouts within seven to 10 days. Once seedlings have reached about six to 12 inches, thin them as needed to avoid overcrowding issues. Unless growing alfalfa as hay for livestock, allow it to grow until crops are ready to be planted or its purple blooms appear, at which time you can simply mow it down and till it into the soil or leave it.
The alfalfa shoots will breakdown. This ‘green manure‘ will then fertilize the soil as well as stimulate microbial activity, thus aerating it too.

All Seeds are grown and packaged in the U.S. (Each bag is individually labeled)

All seed lots are tested for germination.

Works great with any type of sprouter.